More About This Blog

This year after so many other numerous new year resolutions of losing weight I am actually making a true leap to really get there. I have always been over weight. The last time I was any where near the weight I was supposed to be was 3rd grade. In my sophomore year of High School I weighed 232 lbs. In 2004 I weighed 287 lbs. Now I weigh 324 lbs. At my most I was 338 lbs.

I am going to use this blog as a way for me to track my ups and downs and find out what really works for me. I am not trying anyone type of diet, but rather searching through them all and pulling what I can use to stay healthy for the rest of my life. This isn't going to be a get thin in 6 month trip...the things I do have to last in the long-term or I will end up quitting and ending up right back where I started or worse off.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

As the New Year Rolls Around

A new year is just about to start up. Can't tell you how many times I have made this resolution but this year...I really am going to lose weight! Oh I am not fooling myself in this rabbit hole again. I have a plan. Starting this blog is step one of this plan. With this blog I am going to track my progress...the good, the bad, and the fat. This is no new diet I am going to try. This is a lifestyle change I am about to make. More on my strategic and flexible plan coming up as well as a little background on me, what I have tried, and what I am going to do different this time.

Here's to all those out there that struggle to lose weight. Strength in numbers folks...strength in numbers.

Live, Love, Laugh and do it often,


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